They all look the same to me.
Thomas Poole
JoinedPosts by Thomas Poole
How do civilizations "just go missing"?
by cameo-d inthe little stars *** are to show my comments on it along the way.. the vedas, the oldest texts of south asia, dating from some 3,500 years ago, made no mention of it, nor did the bible.
no pyramids or burial mounds marked the area as the site of an ancient power.
yet, 4,600 years ago, at the same time as the early civilizations of mesopotamia and egypt, great cities arose along the flood plains of he ancient indus and saraswati rivers in what is now pakistan and northwest india.
Jeremiah chapter 23 relates very well to what the JWS are about
by Homerovah the Almighty inbook of jeremiahchapter 23 - read chapter - click for chapter audio23:31 - [in context|original hebrew] "behold, i am against the prophets," declares the lord, "who use their tongues and declare, '{the lord} declares.
' .
23:32 - [in context|original hebrew] "behold, i am against those who have prophesied false r1119 dreams," declares the lord, "and related them and led my people astray by their falsehoods and reckless r1120 boasting; yet i r1121 did not send them or command them, nor do they furnish r1122 this people the slightest benefit," declares the lord.
Thomas Poole
Here is a URL to learn about the book of Jeremiah. This is a good place for connecting the end time judgments to the churches.
Hope it works for you.
Thomas the Watchman
Jeremiah chapter 23 relates very well to what the JWS are about
by Homerovah the Almighty inbook of jeremiahchapter 23 - read chapter - click for chapter audio23:31 - [in context|original hebrew] "behold, i am against the prophets," declares the lord, "who use their tongues and declare, '{the lord} declares.
' .
23:32 - [in context|original hebrew] "behold, i am against those who have prophesied false r1119 dreams," declares the lord, "and related them and led my people astray by their falsehoods and reckless r1120 boasting; yet i r1121 did not send them or command them, nor do they furnish r1122 this people the slightest benefit," declares the lord.
Thomas Poole
The Book of Jeremiah has its focus primarily on our day.
i have a question
by brandon_the many inwould the passage from new world translation be a miss print....because in the holy bible the word is if god is not capitalized..then what god is the book referring to...because there is only one father and one living god witch is jesus...... .
please help me , because this has been puzzling me...... .
new world translation of the holy scriptures new world translation of the holy scriptures .
Thomas Poole
Depending on the Bible. John 1:1 sometimes reads: God, a God, like God, or divine. (They would all be correct if you have studied the scriptures.)
Wanna cut through? Study each person and then in their relationship with each other. It becomes obvious how they work together, and let the Bible talk for itself. It aint that difficult. You can always ask if the Trinity Doctrine is from man or God. Reason that God and Jesus are never in the same place. Don't make the Bible match the Trinity; this is ignorant. Learn the Bible and then measure the Bible against the Trinity.
Unless you dig it out. You will always be playing the game with the subject
Question on DF'ing
by littlerockguy inif disfellowshipping is a biblical practice, why didn't jesus do it?
there is no record of him doing it or even mentioning doing anything remotely like that.
in fact, it would seem to me if that practice was set in stone back then during his time, wouldn't he have taken some similar action against judas?
Thomas Poole
The whole idea is of WE control and subordination.
The Christian way is to confess and ask for forgiveness. The repentance is manifest by the stopping of the practice of sin. See Romans 6th chapter.
If anyone was hurt other than yourself, it is good to ask for forgiveness from them to patch up things.
After confession and asking for giveness is done, turn it over to Christ, accept the forgiveness from God, forgive yourself and move on. It is in the pass. Hang on to it and Satan might start to play with it.
Bottom line is that unless have accept Christ in you heart and become born again, you're dead anyway.
How does Shunning feel?
by DaveNwisconsin injust curious as i had never really been a true jehovah witness.
i would think that you make friends and suddenly you don't exist.
i would think a board like this is a true godsend.
Thomas Poole
Actually when I excommunicated the Watchtower in 1993 for apostasy, heresy, and spiritism, they remained arrogant like the queen of babylon. I am sure the plagues of defiance shall be upon them in the future. It is written "When one is free Christ they are free indeed." The blood of the saints are upon them. Come Lord Jesus.
need some info on pagan symbols...
by DannyBloem inwhat pagan symbols are ok for the jw's to use, and are there some clear effidence that they are pagan.. i'm thinking about the neck-tie.
the wedding ring (any proof?).
probably a crown on a kings head will be pagan too ..... what else?
Thomas Poole
Check the book: The Two Babylons---Nimrod............sub title. by Alexander Hislop.
Good book, academic and responsible, good bibliograph, scritural and secular references.
Priemere Book
Thomas Poole
Ok, for all of you who use word and excel, I need your help
by Jesika ini went to a temp agency today, and i failed word and excel testing.
the woman said if i get my computer skills up she could find me a job alot sooner.
my boyfriend has been teaching me, he works with computers at his job.
Thomas Poole
At the book store or library, look for the thin books. They often say it quickly and get to the point. Unless you intend to marry the software, the big books go on and on with a lot one will not care about or would need to know.
Also, at the library go to the children's book section and try to find one on Word for example. Children's books that have technology are really great for adult start-up learning.
Now, go to and enter in a key word and about Word or Excel, and then view what the job description says. Will give you idea of the talk.
Anyone from Minnesota?
by scootergirl inlooking for anyone from the st. cloud congregations (i was in the north one)...or surrounding areas.
oh heck, anyone from minnesota is fine!
Thomas Poole
Yes, I lived in Minnesota & St. Paul,
I lived in Shoreview, Eden Prairie, New Brighton, Richfield...
Attended the congregations: Weelock Parkway, Phalen Park, Egerton, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Center, New Brighton, Maplewood, and many others that I do not remember the names.
When I became a Witness in Richmond, VA in 1969, there were about 1.1 million witnesses.
elders are siffting out bro & sis making an...
by nightwarrior inelders in my area are sifting within the congregations,.
london england .
e.g whom they consider to be rebeliouse /bad association/not even going to the persons homes announcements made because they can.
Thomas Poole
Though hurful at first, it is good for people to be removed from the WT group. It can become a path to their future freedom in Christ. Perhaps those being removed merely have a conscience, which is a way the Holy Spirit works upon those God intends to bring to Christ.